Why Batko OS?

In a conversation I recently had I realised I see everything as a problem.

Not in a negative way. In a constructive way.

Everything that I experience my mind instantly breaks into its components, analyses, and comes up with a structure and a solution.

I see the World as a Problem.

The Problem becomes a System.

The System offers various Solutions.

Welcome to the Batko Operating System (OS) << a, hopefully, new insight into how to see the World as a System to reduce your cognitive load and come to better outcomes.

What’s the point? 🎯

🤯 Inspire - make you see the world through different eyes

🤝 Help - some of the systems you’ll be able to directly implement into your life

A couple of places to get you started:

  • batko.blog << all my startup, VC and productivity resources in one place

  • Book Summaries << summaries of books I’ve read since 2017

Hit me up on Twitter - here.

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The World as a System


CEO @ Startmate, the epicentre of startup ambition in Australia & NZ